Friday, May 12, 2006

Stay out of the dust...

For since what God giveth transcends reasoning entirely, it is but reason that we need faith. But the man that thinks meanly of it, and is contemptuous and vainglorious, will not effect anything at all. Let heretics hearken to the voice of the Spirit, for such is the nature of reasonings. They are like some labyrinth or puzzles which have no end to them anywhere, and do not let the reason stand upon the rock, and have their very origin in vanity. For being ashamed to allow of faith, and to seem ignorant of heavenly things, they involve themselves in the dust-cloud of countless reasonings.
St. John Chrysostom


Ochlophobist said...

Lovely quote.
When did we meet in Memphis?

Jacob Aleksander said...

I was living in Nashville and I came to visit Robert one weekend. It was the time right before Spyridon and his now wife went to PR. That's all the specific I can make it as far as timing.