Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Instruments of power

…sophisticated language, disconnected from the roots of truth, in fact pursues some ulterior motives, that is invariably turns into an instrument of power…
Josef Pieper


Ochlophobist said...

Abuse of Language -- Abuse of Power is one of my favorite little books. Pieper's definition of flattery is hauntingly true. I used this book in a paper I wrote on the use of flattery in modernity some years ago. I need to go back and reread it. I think that Pieper is one of the very few Thomists that Orthodox can really engage.

Jacob Aleksander said...

One of my favorite little books too, even down to the layout-it is such a good concise statement about the modern outlook. I haven't read anything else of his. None of his other titles much interest me. I happened to buy this one in NY and am very glad I came across it.