Friday, March 03, 2006

The bloom starts in the seed

If Photios is correct and the Filioque is as serious a matter as he claims, then what can we say about Western society, which is historically based on the theology which produced the Filioque?
Philip Zymaris


Anastasia said...

hey this is totally random but were you ever on

Jacob Aleksander said...

Yes, once upon a time.

Anastasia said...

do you go or did you go to a bulgarian church? i think i used to talk to you on there. i recognize your picture.

Jacob Aleksander said...

Yea, I did when I was in Nashville. I'm at an OCA Church now.

Anastasia said...

YES! i completely remember you. i used to talk to you all the time on there-i was the girl who said she wanted to meet an orthodox sheep farmer who could make hummus or something like that. i don't even remember what i said. do you remember me? how funny that we "ran" into each other again.

Jacob Aleksander said...

Yes, I remember you, how could I forget some crazy girl obsessed with sheep hearders? ;) ...and besides I only talked to a few people on there. ...the world of Orthodoxy in America is indeed small.