Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's nice to know I have a special place in the Mason's heart...


Colonel K said...

Too bad it's not the Jacobin Room, then there'd at least be something interesting like a guillotine in it, or something.

Jacob Aleksander said...

How about I build you a cake or something? Would that make you happy?

Colonel K said...

No, just give me your tots.

Jacob Aleksander said...

How about I put your tots to the guillotine.......

Colonel K said...

But then I wouldn't be able to eat them and I'm frickin' starving! I haven't eaten anything all day!

How about I take a Sledgehammer to your guillotine?

Jacob Aleksander said...

So you think not eating will make you all holy, eh? That's so works righteousness...

Colonel K said...

No, you didn't pay attention again! I said I wanted to eat, but I hadn't eaten anything all day. Not eating isn't works righteousness, but sledgehammering guillotines is!