Friday, June 29, 2007

Let us not be carried away

What is written by every holy writer is written from his spiritual level (attainment) and from his practice (experience), in conformity with his level and practice. We must pay special attention to this point. Let us not be carried away and enraptured by a book written as if with fire that tells of high states and activities for which we are unfit. The reading of such a book, by firing the imagination, can harm us by communicating a knowledge of and desire for labours that are untimely and impossible for us. Let us apply ourselves to the book of a Father nearer to our state in the matter of attainment.
St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Somersaults for God

When bodily exertion - prostrations, vigils and sacrifices - takes place with love, with passionate eros, the body is not harmed. When this effort is made freely and with love towards the loved one, towards Christ, you show how much you love Him. No one takes account of exertion and fatigue for the person he loves. For example, a monk climbs up a mountain, he struggles and sweats and tires himself out. 'Why did you do it?' people ask him. 'For the person I love,' he replies. 'Because I knew that I would make him happy.' The person with faith displays his love, his devotion and his adoration of Christ in tangible ways. That's why bodily exertion is made. That's why we make prostrations. Not to gain anything, but because your love for Christ doesn't allow you to do otherwise.
Perhaps someone will say, 'I have love in my heart.' That's all very well, but prostrations and all the other exercises are still required, because, although they are external forms, through those formal actions we are able to penetrate to the substance. It we don't penetrate to the heart of the matter, all is a waste of time. Should I turn somersaults now for God to see and be pleased? God takes no delight in these things. Nor do we add anything to Christ with the worship which we offer Him. It is we who receive the fruits of our efforts; we have need of those things. ...when prostrations are made for Christ, grace works directly on the soul and brings penitence, serenity, peace and joy.
Elder Porphyrios

Friday, June 22, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: June 9/ June 22

(Rom. 11:25-36; Matt. 12:1-8) "But if you had known what this means, 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the guiltless." So, in order to be delivered from the condemnation of sin it is necessary to develop a merciful heart. A merciful heart not only doesn't convict apparent violation of the law but even violations that are obvious for all. In the place of judgement it perceives regret and is quickly ready to weep than reproach. Actually the condemnation of sin is fruit of an unmerciful heart, spiteful and delighted in the humiliation of those close to it, slander is it's name, in bringing others down is its honor. This is the case: the murderous business happens according to the spirit that is the murderer from time immemorial. There is much calumny which is from it's source the devil, for the devil slanders and everywhere spreads slander. Hasten to awaken within yourself compassion every time there comes evil desire of condemnation. With this compassionate heart turning with prayer to the Lord so that He will have mercy on us all, not only the one who wanted to condemn but even us and mabye more than that stop short evil desire.

Spiritual guidance

The carnal and natural man, on hearing spiritual guidance, understands it in conformity with his state, twists and distorts it, and by following it in his distorted sense, takes a wrong course and holds to it stubbornly as a course given by holy guidance.
St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The good and beautiful

...if we are Christians laboring and toiling for what is good and beautiful, we must leave our requests up to God's judgement. If God sees that our requests will truly be to our benefit, He may then give them to us; otherwise He will not.
Bishop Augustinos (Kantiotes)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A new social system

I shall now invent an entire social system and you will not believe how easy it is! All you have to do is isolate yourself off in a corner or even end up inside a crocodile, close your eyes and immediately you will invent an entire paradise for all of mankind. ... True, at first everything must be refuted. But it's so easy to refute from within a crocodile. Moreover, it all seems to be much clearer from inside a crocodile.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Monday, June 18, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: June 5/ June 18

(Rom. 9:18-33; Matt. 11:2-15) "...the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." The Kingdom binds itself, that is with poverty with labour, with effort and podvig; therefore, the one who reaches the Kingdom is the one who lives life through much labour and podvig. With this, on the way to the Kingdom, is the denial of every type of consolation. Pleasures of every kind take away from the Kingdom, and now we even have only worries that are about pleasures, rarely spiritual, more fleshly: to eat, to drink, to be happy, to walk and to live in luxury in all ways. The Kingdom said, "I ask you, excuse me," though in it is a feast, a kingly feast, to which no one comes prepared, the taste we have isn't right. What is sweet we consider bitter, what is pleasing we are against, what is joyful to us is irksome - it completely clashes with us. The Kingdom with the poor, enrapturing him, moves away from us. We, joyful and ready, quickly would drive them away and our speech about that already leads us away, yes, everyone is crafty that doesn't manage to accomodate this.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: June 4/ June 17

(Rom. 5:1-10; Matt. 6:22-33). "If therefore your eye is good [pure, clean], your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness." The eye here stands for the mind and the body the whole soul. Thus, when the mind is simple then in the soul it will be light; when the mind is evil then in the soul it will be dark. What is a simple mind and what is an evil mind? A simple mind is one which accepts everything written in the word of God and indesputably is convinced that all is so as it is written: there is no cunning, no wavering or doubts in it. And evil mind is one which comes to the word of God with craftiness, cunning words and disregard. It is not able to believe correctly but submits the word of God under it's own understanding. It comes to the word not as a disciple but as a judge and critic in order to test what it says and then whether to sneer or to haughtily say, "Yes, that's not bad." Such a mind doesn't have a strict position for the reason that it obviously doesn't believe the word of God and it's own understanding is always unstable - now such a way and tomorrow another way. From this it has fluctuation, perplexity, questions without answers; its possessions are not in the same place and it walks rummaging in the dark. The simple mind sees everything clearly: it's well-defined character has all of its possessions, formed with the words of God, therefore, all of its possessions are in the same place and it knows exactly how it is in relationship to what to hold on to, it walks, it knows with comple assurance, by the open visible roads that they lead to the genuine goal.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The power of the tongue

O my brethren, we cannot whisper anything here to the earth that the heavens are not going to hear. Our every word comes before the assembly of the angels of God. Hades receives our every evil word and retains it as a guarantee of our eternal death and Paradise receives every good word and retains it as a guarantee of our eternal life. Truly, does the Old Testament sage wisely speaks and promptly reminds us with the words that: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."
St. Nikolaj (Velimirovic)

Friday, June 15, 2007

This day in history

On this day of St. Vitus let us remember St. Prince Lazar and his countrymen who perished in a battle that still rages.

And don't forget Blessed Augustine:
…the end of the world will admit us to life everlasting, and then the souls of the just will no longer be subject to the vicissitudes of time.

For the blood of Christ was shed so efficaciously for the remission of all sins, that it could wipe out even the very sin of shedding it.

In the earliest times, "the Holy Ghost fell upon them that believed: and they spake with tongues," which they had not learned, "as the Spirit gave them utterance." These were signs adapted to the time. For there behooved to be that betokening of the Holy Spirit in all tongues, to shew that the Gospel of God was to run through all tongues over the whole earth. That thing was done for a betokening, and it passed away. In the laying on of hands now, that persons may receive the Holy Ghost, do we look that they should speak with tongues? Or when we laid the hand on these infants, did each one of you look to see whether they would speak with tongues, and, when he saw that they did not speak with tongues, was any of you so wrong-minded as to say, These have not received the Holy Ghost; for, had they received, they would speak with tongues as was the case in those times?

St. Theophan: Thoughts: June 2/ June 15

(Rom. 9:6-19; Matt. 10:32-35(36), 11:1) "Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven." Is it difficult to confess the Lord? In no way is it difficult. How is it difficult to say, when it is demanded, that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and God, Who for our sake came to earth, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man, was crucified, suffered, was buried, arose on the third day, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father, who will come again to judge the living and the dead, who sent the Holy Spirit upon the holy apostles, who by His power built the holy Church, which teaching truth and performing the mysteries, ... all of its believing children to the Heavenly Kingdom? All of this we repeat every time we hear and say the symbol of faith. So take these truths, imprint them upon your heart and be ready, not being afraid of any human being who comes against you that so, and not otherwise, it is necessary to believe so that you will be saved, prepare to be patient and so that in another situation it will be well with you. Fill your mouth with the words of truth of the teachers of Christianity - and receive what the Lord promises. Confess Him as God and Saviour before man and He will confess you before God the Father, in that you are His true follower and confessor.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: June 1/ June 14

(Rom. 8:22-27; Matt. 10:23-31) "...there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known." Consequently, as we hide ourselves with our sins there is no profit. The time approaches - is it long in coming? and everything will come into the open. How will we be? It is not necessary to hide. You sinned - go and reveal the sin to your spiritual father. When you receive absolution the sin disappears as if it had never been. If you hide your sin and don't repent and keep it in yourself it will be revealed in it's own time as your denunciation. Everything, first of all, is revealed to us by God, in order that we can now manage to disable His righteous and terrible judgement on us sinners.

St. Theophan: Thoughts: May 31/ June 13

(Rom. 8:2-13; Matt. 10:16-22) "...he who endures to the end will be saved." And what do we have to endure? - you will not be lacking in things to endure. The field of suffering for everyone is wide; it will be your salvation, by the work of your own hands. Endure all to the end and you will be saved. It is necessary, however, to suffer skillfully or else it is possible to suffer and not receive benefit. Firstly, guard the holy faith and the irreproachable life according to that faith and cleanse every sin with confession. Secondly, everything that comes for you to suffer receive as from the hands of God; remember that without the will of God nothing happens. Thirdly, believe that everything from the Lord is sent for the benefit of our souls, sincerely thank God for everything - for grief and for solace. Fourthly, love every sorrow for the sake of greater salvation and awaken your thirst as to a bitter but healing drink. Fifthly, always remember that when trouble comes not to throw it out like worn clothes - you need to put them on. Whether or not you endure according to Christianity everything you suffer is inevitable; it is better, therefore, to endure according to Christianity. Don't murmer about troubles but only wear them out; with determination and a good nature, in humble submission to the Providence of God, take away the ties of troubles. Sixthly, realize your own unworthiness; if the Lord were to act in all fairness towards us wouldn't it follow that He sent us such trouble anyway? Seventhly, more than all, pray and the merciful Lord will give you strength of spirit, according to which, when others marvel at your troubles, to endure them, to you, it will seem as nothing at all.

Monday, June 11, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: May 29/ June 11

For anyone who's actually reading these: sorry for the lull, they have been rather difficult to translate of late.
(Rom. 7:1-13; Matt. 9:36-10:8) Sending the holy Apostles to preach the Lord commanded them to proclaim to all that the "Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," that is, the Kingdom has come - enter into it. What follows for us to preach? We need to shout to all: sons of the Kingdom! don't flee from the Kingdom into bondage and captivity - because they are running. Freedom of mind captivates one: "We don't want," they say,"the bonds of faith and the oppression of authority even if it's divine; everyone themselves guessed and decided." Well, they decided. They constructed a fable, in which there is more childishness than in Greek mythology and they praise themselves for this... Others are carried away by the wide road of the passions: "We don't want," they say, "to know the absolute commandments, nor the demands of the conscience, they are all distraction: we need simple feeling." They all went after these things. So what happened? They put on the stupidity of the beasts. Is it not from this that came about the collapse of morality and the theory of the descent of man from beast? Here is where they are going! And everyone flees from the Lord, everyone runs away...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Memory Eternal

Protopresbyter Elias Wen Dies

June 9, at 2:30 pm Western Daylight Time, the eldest clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Protopresbyter Elias Wen, died. At 5 pm, before all-night vigil on the eve of the day of All Russian Saints at the Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” the first pannikhida was served by the Cathedral clergymen and sung by the Cathedral Choir under the direction of Vladimir Krassovsky.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Well put universal Orthodoxy there is no hierarch whose role would be similar to that of the Pope of Rome in the Western Church. There must be no illusion that there is such a hierarch. We respect the Patriarch of Constantinople as the first in honour among the primates of local Orthodox Churches, but we are against regarding him as ‘Pope of the East’.
Bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: May 23/ June 5

(Rom. 4:4-12; Matt. 7:15-21) "Beware of false prophets." In the beginning of Christianity and even up to now there hasn't been a time which hasn't had this warning. The Lord didn't show in what way exactly to beware of false prophets or how to determine them. They change, like fashion, and every time gives rise to their own. They always appear in sheeps' clothing with goodwill in their step and truth in their speech. In our time their clothing is woven from progress, civilization, enlightenment, freedom in thoughts and deeds, personal freedom, the abandonment of faith and whatever is comfortable. All these are flattering deceptions. Therefore, upon meeting a show of these clothes, don't rush to open your mouth and with your speech proclaim in them prophets. Take a look whether a wolf is hidden in this sheeps' clothing. Know that the Lord is the one driving force to genuine truth, the one softener of hearts and dispositions, the one enlightener, the one giver of freedom filling the heart with true feelings, who doesn't forcibly sway anyone. Because if you notice in the speech of such new prophets a hint of opposition to the teaching of the Lord, know that these are wolf-predators and turn away from them.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: May 21/ June 3

(Heb 11:22-12:2; Matt 10:32-33, 37-38, 19:27-30) Every day the Holy Church remembers the saints but since there were saints of God, having struggled in obscurity, not being revealed to the Church, in order not to leave them without a celebration the Holy Church established a day, in which all those pleasing to God from all generations are glorified. This day was created for commemoration immediately after the descent of the Holy Spirit because all the saints became and are becoming holy with the grace of the Holy Spirit, which grace brings repentance and the abandonment of sin. Grace eneters into battle with the passions and lusts and is crowned in this podvig with purity and passionlessness. In such a way appears a new creature, fit for the new heaven and the new earth. Being jealous we follow after the saints of God. Today's Gospel teaches us how to do this: it demands fearless confession of faith in the Lord, a principled love towards Him, taking up the cross of selflessness and a heart-felt renunciation. According to these instructions we establish our beginning.

Friday, June 01, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: May 19/ June 1

(Rom. 2:14-29; Matt. 5:33-41) "But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil"; otherwise you give yourself up to sacrifice to wayward and evil people. Is it possible to live that way? Don't worry - the one who gave this command is our guide and guardian. When with complete faith, from all your soul you wish to live this way, in order not to resist any evil person, then the Lord himself will make for you a way of life, not only tolerable but happy. In addition to this, conflict further incites the antagonist and prompts him into further unpleasantness but a concession disarms and subdues him. From this it occurs that you suffer only the first onslaught of rage - people then have pity and and leave you in peace. But conflict and revenge unleashes rage which from the first multiplies sevenfold and then from generation to generation.