Friday, June 22, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: June 9/ June 22

(Rom. 11:25-36; Matt. 12:1-8) "But if you had known what this means, 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the guiltless." So, in order to be delivered from the condemnation of sin it is necessary to develop a merciful heart. A merciful heart not only doesn't convict apparent violation of the law but even violations that are obvious for all. In the place of judgement it perceives regret and is quickly ready to weep than reproach. Actually the condemnation of sin is fruit of an unmerciful heart, spiteful and delighted in the humiliation of those close to it, slander is it's name, in bringing others down is its honor. This is the case: the murderous business happens according to the spirit that is the murderer from time immemorial. There is much calumny which is from it's source the devil, for the devil slanders and everywhere spreads slander. Hasten to awaken within yourself compassion every time there comes evil desire of condemnation. With this compassionate heart turning with prayer to the Lord so that He will have mercy on us all, not only the one who wanted to condemn but even us and mabye more than that stop short evil desire.

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