Thursday, September 22, 2005

Re: In Whose Court is the ball?

Some of my faithful readers may remember a post on blogodoxy with the current title. For those unfamiliar here is the story:

From DNN (Duke News Network): April 1, 2005 - Relations between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church were put on a precarious footing after an incident at Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary in Chicago. The incident in question transpired when a Catholic representative spitefully placed the Orthodox representative's soccer ball out of reach and refused to retrieve the ball.

This incident comes at a time when many hoped an increased dialogue between the churches would soon be underway. Recently the Pope had returned to Patriarch Bartolomew the bones of two prominent early saints, St. John Chrysostom and St. Gregory the Theologian.

The Catholic Church slowly broke off from the Orthodox Church beginning in the 7th century, with the schism being consummated in 1054 with excommunications on both sides.

I have just been informed that now the Orthodox soccer ball has been put directly into the hands of Pope Benedict XVI. This does indeed effect future relations between the Frankish church and the Orthodox Church. The Pope is slated for a visit to Constantinople for next spring and this issue should definately be discussed.

Orthodox Soccer Ball Given to Pope


Anonymous said...

blast it!
I bet while he's kicking around with Robert Langdon, he'll make a bad pass and it'll roll under a trolley.

Jacob Aleksander said...

Then they'll probably give it back to us...since it's all smashed and of no use to them.

Anonymous said...

Jacob, see if you can have the Pope get the entire Roma Football Club to sign the ball before he gives it back. Jon would be so surprised! He doesn't even like Roma, I don't think, so maybe then we could sell it on Ebay and make loads of sweet cash!

Jacob Aleksander said...

Your thoughts on this matter are excellent. Who cares about ecumenism, just give us some sweet moolah!!

Anonymous said...

Our malicious plot to destroy Orthodoxy continues. If only you knew how important this soccer ball is to our plans! (Laughs sinisterly to himself)
