Monday, May 28, 2007

St. Theophan: Thoughts: May 15/28: The Day of the Holy Spirit

(Ephesians 5:9-19; Matthew 18:10-20) Consoling His disciples, the Lord said that it is better that He ascends to heaven; for, having ascended He will send in His place and Comforter-Spirit. The Holy Spirit, having descended and remaining in the Church accomplishes in every believer the works of Christ. Every Christian is a participant in the Spirit. This is essential - the one who doesn't have the Spirit doesn't have Christ. Take a closer, more thorough look, do you have the Spirit of grace? He does not remain in everyone, it happens that He leaves. Here is an example: First one finds the spirit of repentance and it teaches the Christian to appeal to God and correct his life. The spirit of repentance, having accomplished its task, gives the Christian to the spirit of sanctity and purity, whose successor, in the end, is a spirit of sonship. The first characteristic is industrious zeal; the second characteristic is a warm and burning light heart; the third characteristic is the feeling of adoption, according to which the heart cries out to God, "Abba, father!" Look and see on which level you are; if you are not on any take up your work and take charge of yourself.
Once again, compare here if able.

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