Monday, October 16, 2006

The 'emergent' question of the 21st century...

In a word, no.


Mr. G. Z. T. said...

the people at Moody have the right idea: no dancing!

Jacob Aleksander said...

Here, here!

Colonel K said...

Dangit! You beat me to it! I saw that billboard a while ago and wanted to get a picture and post it with exactly that comment! Or at least tell you about it and have you take a picture. Well done!

Jacob Aleksander said...

You snooze you's the one who don't get no prize!

Anonymous said...

What, do they hold it in outer space?

Jacob Aleksander said...

That's what I had assumed. It does work to everyone's advantage - one can "interpretive jump" farther and "with more expression of feeling" and one is closer to "God" out there...