WCC in Chicago
...momentum builds in Christian communities around the globe in anticipation of the 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches
Just what kind of momentum is building? I haven't felt any at my Church...maybe I'm in the wrong one??
Special worship leaders Dr Stanley Ralph of First Presbyterian Church of Jamaica, Queens, NY, and Rev. Dr. Glaucia Vasconcelos-Wilkey of Seattle University, have planned worship experiences in the spirit of the Assembly while also remembering those who have suffered as a result of the hurricanes on the US Gulf Coast.
I'm wondering if they included any special worship experience in the Native American tradition as that is where Chicago gets its name? Maybe they will sit around chanting "Chicago" as "The Indians applied this term to ...the voice of the great Manitou".
'Blessed Are The Peacemakers' awards will be presented to local Chicago area peacemakers at the opening dinner
I'm guessing this award will go to Jesse Jackson...at least that's where my vote will go.
Participants in the 'Shift Your Space' event will also spend time reflecting on the economic and social implications of the recent hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, and what this means for young people of faith who are engaged in 'transforming the world.' 'Seminarians are at the forefront of innovative peace and justice work,' says Michael Neuroth, who is coordinating the 'Shift Your Space' youth event on behalf of the US Conference for the WCC. He explains that the gathering will enable 'students and youth delegates to the WCC's Assembly to share stories of peacemaking initiatives led by young adults around the United States, and strategize on new ways of engaging with the vision for peace promoted by the WCC's Decade to Overcome Violence.'
They don't even seem to bother about any "spiritual" implications anymore, just "social"...
Dang! How did we miss this? I have some social implications for them!
Do any of your implications have anything to do with contests "to the pain"?
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